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"Improvement in Compliance With Smoke-Free Environment Regulations at Hotels and Restaurants in Vietnam..."

This study aims to analyze the compliance of hotels and restaurants to smoke-free environment regulations before and after an intervention. .

"Review of Public Financing for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Sectors in Vietnam"

This study aimed to obtain an overview and assessed the public funding across the WASH sector of Vietnam in 3 fiscal years 2016, 2017, and 2018 .

"Describing the pattern of the COVID-19 epidemic in Vietnam"

We describe the characteristics of COVID-19 patients detected in the two phases of the epidemic in Vietnam. Data used in this paper were mainly obtained from the official database of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam. Descriptive statistics were carried out using Stata 16 software .

"Vietnam Climate Change and Health Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment, 2018"

This article summaries the results of a health vulnerability and adaptation (V&A) assessment conducted in Vietnam as evidences for development of the National Climate Change Health Adaptation Plan to 2030 .

"Changes in, and predictors of, quality of life among patients with unstable angina after percutaneous coronary intervention"

This study aims to detect changes in QoL and its associated factors among patients with unstable angina after percutaneous coronary intervention. .

"An adaptive model of health system organization and responses helped Vietnam to successfully halt the Covid-19 pandemic..."

This commentary shares with the international community how an adaptive model of health system organization and responses helped Vietnam to break transmission of coronavirus .

"Reliability and Validity of SARC-F Questionnaire to Assess Sarcopenia Among Vietnamese Geriatric Patients"

The aim of this paper is to investigate the reliability and validity of the Vietnamese version of SARC-F as a screening tool for sarcopenia in older patients in Vietnam .

Scientific articles of Center for Population Health Sciences (CPHS) published with Journal of Global Health Science

04 scientific articles of CPHS's members being the first authors published with The Journal of Global Health Science .