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Home - news & Event - The 13th World Congress on Health Economics: New Heights in Health Economics in Basel, Switzerland from July 13-17

The 13th World Congress on Health Economics: New Heights in Health Economics in Basel, Switzerland from July 13-17



The International Health Economics Association (iHEA) is celebrating the 13th World Congress on Health Economics: New Heights in Health Economics in Basel, Switzerland from July 13-17, 2019 (Basel Congress). The iHEA Biennial Congresses are well established as the forum to engage around new methodological developments in health economics, the latest research findings and the implications of this research for health policy and practice. The desire of the 13th iHEA Congress is to provide a high quality and innovative program and to facilitate interaction with colleagues from around the globe. As part of the Basel Congress, the Immunization Economics Special Interest Group (SIG) organized Pre-Congress Sessions, Organized Sessions, and Presentations specifically related to the production and use of economics information in immunization programs. The intended audience for this session is individuals interested in the generation and use of information surrounding immunization costing, financing, and value of vaccination. Audience span from early career to seasoned researchers, EPI managers, policymakers, multinational organizations, and donors.



  1. featured updates on research findings, methodology, and cases;
  2. concurrent sessions on economic analysis refresher course and implementation/advocacy workshop;
  3. panel sessions on effective dissemination and future direction.


Researchers from Immunization Economics Special Interest Group (SIG), academia and EPI managers has come to present their study findings. Assoc.Prof. Hoang Van Minh, Vice Rector of Hanoi University of Public Health has joined the Basel Congress to present findings of the study “The costs of replacement of TT vaccine for women aged 15-35 with Td vaccine for children aged seven in Vietnam” at the organized session of “Fighting Infectious Diseases through Immunization: The Latest Global and Country Evidence on the Costs of Delivering Vaccines in Low- and Middle-Income Countries” on July 15,2019.


Along with the Pre-Congress sessions, Hanoi University of Public Health also provided two informative posters including

  1. “The costs of replacement of TT vaccine for women aged 15-35 with Td vaccine for children aged seven in Vietnam” presented by Assoc.Prof. Hoang Van Minh, PhD.
  2. “Factors Associated with the Funding Gap Between the Full Economic Delivery Costs and the Full Fiscal Delivery Costs of the Routine EPI in Vietnam” presented by Vu Quynh Mai, MSc, a researcher from Hanoi University of Public Health.

Detail of the posters, presentations and agenda of the Immunization Economic session can be found here:

Posters and presentations.


Main Congress


Photo taken at the conference: 







Source: Center for Population Health Sciences (CPHS) - Hanoi University of Public Health

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