Research Assistant
Title and position
- Bachelor of Science
- Research Assistant
Contact information
- A508 - Building A, Hanoi University of Public Health, 1A Duc Thang Road, Duc Thang Ward, North Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Phone: +84 (0) 912254596
- Email: hoang.thaoanhh@gmail.com; hta@huph.edu.vn
- High School Graduate from Foreign Language Specialized School, Hanoi National University, Vietnam; Major: English: August 2016
- Bachelor of Science in European Public Health from FHML, Maastricht University, The Netherlands: August 2019
- Tuberculosis – Communicable Diseases
- Work-related Stress – Occupational Health and Safety
- Foods, Nutrition, and Food Safety
- Alcohol and Drug Use
- Research Methodology, Epidemiology, and Statistics
- Health Systems and Health Economics
- European Health Law and Policy
- Public Health in International Context
- Advancing clinical pharmacy services in critical care
- Training Session – Cost Analysis in Health Technology Assessment
- Leadership & Teamworking
- Strong Organization
- Communication
- High Adaptability
- Event Management
- Microsoft Word & Power Point
Employment History
- Student Ambassador at Maastricht University; Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML): August 2018 – August 2019
- Represent European Public Health program and FHML for marketing and promoting events held by Maastricht University
- Research Assistant at Center for Population Health Sciences (CPHS); Hanoi University of Public Health: October 2019 – Present
Research Work
o Evaluation of The Communities for Healthy Hearts (CH2) Program in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
o A longitudinal survey: Impacts of raising cigarette tax and price on health, economic, and societal outcomes in Vietnam
- Co-author:
- Strengthening local health systems for hypertension prevention and control: The CH2 program in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (doi: 10.35500/jghs.2020.2.e15)
- Facilitating factors and barriers to the implementation of hypertension prevention programs in Vietnam: lessons learned from the CH2 program (doi: 10.35500/jghs.2020.2.e11)
- Knowledge change related to hypertension in the Southern province of Vietnam: a community based, before and after intervention evaluation (doi: 10.35500/jghs.2020.2.e14)
- Review of Public Financing for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Sectors in Viet Nam (accepted on Environmental Health Insights)