Title and position:
Contact information:
- Building A, Hanoi University of Public Health, 1A Duc Thang Road, Duc Thang Ward, North Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Email: ttp1@huph.edu.vn
- Doctor of Dental Surgery, Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam, 2011-2017
Work experiences:
Conducted research:
- Rapid assessment on socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on children and their families – UNICEF
- Standard cost lists for health economic evaluation in Vietnam – Ministry of Health
- Willingness to pay for one quality-adjusted life year in Vietnam – Ministry of Health
- Costing Analysis and Data Book Completion for Optima Nutrition Analysis – The World Bank
- Monitoring and evaluation of health, economic and social impacts of higher cigarette tax and price in Vietnam – The Union
Scientific papers published in international peer-reviewed journals:
- Tran, T.P, Tong, M.S, Vo, TNN, Nguyen, PN, Luong, MH, Nguyen, HT, Kulbhushan, S, Chu, D.T (2019). Prevalence of dental fear and its relationship with primary dental caries in 7-year-old-children. Paediatric Dental Journal. DOI: 10.1016/j.pdj.2019.04.002 (Link)
- Pham T, Bui L, Nguyen A, Nguyen B, Tran P, Vu P, Dang L. (2019). The prevalence of depression and associated risk factors among medical students: An untold story in Vietnam. PLos One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0221432 (Link)
- Tran TP, Nguyen XL, Nguyen BN, Dao TDL, Ta NA, Nguyen TML, Nguyen TT, Vu TT, Nguyen VH, Nguyen HT, Nguyen VH, Hoang VM. Self-reported psychological distress among caregivers of patients with cancer: findings from a health facility-based study in Vietnam 2019. Health Psychology Open.
- Nguyen XL, Nguyen BN, Tran TP, Dao TDL, Ta NA, Nguyen TML, Nguyen TT, Vu TT, Nguyen VH, Nguyen HT, Nguyen VH, Hoang VM. Coping strategies and negative emotions in caregivers of cancer patients in Vietnam in 2019. Health Psychology Open.
- Dao Viet Hang, Tran Thi Phung, Rebecca Hall, Dao Van Long (2018). Initial evaluation of lactose malabsorption in Vietnamese people. Journal of Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy 108, 13(7).