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Home - news & Event - Data analysis workshop of research “The costs of preparation, delivery of Td Vaccine to 7-year-old children in Vietnam”

Data analysis workshop of research “The costs of preparation, delivery of Td Vaccine to 7-year-old children in Vietnam”

In the framework of the research “The cost of preparation and delivery of Td Vaccine to &-year-old children in Vietnam”, from 19th to 21st November 2018, the cost data analysis workshop was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The attendants included: 
  • Carl Schütte, PhD - Thinkwell Organization
  • Vu Thi Quynh Mai, MSc - HaNoi University of Public Health
  • Hoang Manh Thang, BSc - HaNoi University of Public Health
The objective of this hands-on workshop was to start analyzing cost data collected from facility, district/city, region and national levels as part of the Immunization Costing Action Network (ICAN) project in Vietnam. 
The specific objectives of the workshop: 
  • Reviewed ICAN’s data analysis guidance and started working through analyses of costing data using this guidance;
  • Discussed how to deal with outliers, variability and other issues that may encounter during data analysis progress;  
  • Reviewed presentation and reporting guidance;
  • Shared preliminary costing results
  • Prepared and planed for prospective costing. 
Detailed of the agenda: Can be downloaded here.
The workshop was successful. The research team of Hanoi University of Public Health received essential information for data analysis and report preparation in the next time.
Some pictures from the workshop:
Source: Center for Population Health Sciences - Hanoi University of Public Health

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