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Home - news & Event - Data collection for development of "Guidelines for the report of the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Vietnam"

Data collection for development of "Guidelines for the report of the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Vietnam"


From 06/2017 to 07/2019, the Center for Population Health Sciences, Hanoi University of Public Health conducted data collection to develop the document "Guidelines for the report of the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Vietnam” in 5 provinces/cities in Vietnam.



Specific objectives of this activity include:       

  • Surveying the current situation of conducting health technology assessment, economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Vietnam.
  • Developing the document "Guidelines for the report of the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Vietnam".
  • Evaluating the applicability of the document "Guidelines for the report of the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Vietnam".



This activity is conducted in 5 provinces/cities of Vietnam: Hanoi, Hai Phong, Hue, Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho.



  • Reviewing related literature, international and practical experience to develop the document "Guidelines for the report of the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Vietnam".
  • Consulting with experts, relevant units/departments to evaluate the applicability of the document "Guidelines for the report of the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Vietnam".
  • Reviewing the availability, completeness, and accuracy of data for the reports of the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals.


Implementing Agency:

Center for Population and Health Science, Hanoi University of Public Health.


Co-implementing Agency:

Department of Health Insurance, Ministry of Health. Departments of Health and Provincial Social Security representatives of hospitals, universities, research institutes have capable in pharmaceutical economy analysis in Hanoi, Hai Phong, Hue, Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho.


Sponsorship Agency:

Asian Development Bank (ADB) via Department of Health Insurance, Ministry of Health.


Some images of the activity:







Source: Center for Population Health Science (CPHS) - Hanoi University of Public Health

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