From 18th to 23rd July, 2018, the delegation of Vietnam Ministry of Health, Hanoi School of Public Health including Prof. Le Quang Cuong – Vice Minister of Health; Nguyen Minh Loi – Vice Director of Administration of Science, Technology and Training, Ministry of Health; Assoc.Prof. Hoang Van Minh - Vice Rector of Hanoi University of Public Health had visits and working sessions at Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medicine School, Boston, The United State.
The objectives of this working trip were to discuss and build up the cooperative relations in health system research and training, towards to improvement of post-graduate education, public health and primary healthcare system research in Vietnam
The working trip had successfully completed and obtained necessary and meaningful information that could be applied to Vietnam situation such as applicable experience of Harvard Medicine School and Harvard School of Public Health in medicine education, implementation of researches in public health, primary healthcare, especially in effective method development regarding non-communicable disease prevention and control. Cooperation of research training among stakeholders has been identified for future development
Some photos taken during the working trip:
Source: Center for Population Health Sciences (CPHS) - Hanoi University of Public Health