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Home - news & Event - Working trip of presidential delegation of Georgia State University at Hanoi University of Public Health

Working trip of presidential delegation of Georgia State University at Hanoi University of Public Health


On the 28th November, 2018, Hanoi University of Public Health has organized the welcomg meeting with the Georgia State University’s presidential delegation.


Participants to this special meeting included Board of Rectors’ members - Prof. Bui Thi Thu Ha - Rector of Hanoi University of Public Health, Assoc.Prof. Hoang Van Minh - Vice Rector of Hanoi University of Public Health, Assoc.Prof Nguyen Thanh Huong - Vice Rector of Hanoi University of Public Health, and heads of key departments of Hanoi University of Public Health. Delegates from Georgia State University included Dr. Mark Becker - President, Dr. Risa Palm - Vice President for Academic Affairs, Wolfgang Schlör  -  Associate Provost for International Initiatives, Dr. Larry Berman - Founding Dean of the Honors College


The key contents of the meeting were to introduce the establishment progress, objectives, and missions of Hanoi University of Public Health in Vietnam as well as bilateral cooperation between two universities in near future. In this meeting, Assoc.Prof. Hoang Van Minh also shared about implementation progress of the research project “Cultural Adaptation & Evaluation of mHealth Interventions for Smoking Cessation in Vietnam”, which is collaborated with School of Public Health, Georgia State University.


It is hoped that the two universities will have more opportunities to collaborate in health sector researches with different topics and facilitate mutual student exchange programs between Vienam and the United States in the coming time. 


The meeting has been successfully assessed and closed on the same day. 


Some photos taken during the meeting: 















Source: Center for Population Health Sciences (CPHS) - Hanoi University of Public Health

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