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Home - news & Event - Workshop on advocacy for health insurance policy applied for pediatric eye healthcare services, in March in Hanoi.

Workshop on advocacy for health insurance policy applied for pediatric eye healthcare services, in March in Hanoi.

Title of the workshop: 
Workshop on advocacy for health insurance policy applied for pediatric eye healthcare services 
  • To share research results on effects, barriers to healthcare service, cost of examination and treatment for pediatric eye diseases. 
  • To share international results on return on investment in program of blind prevention and control in oversea country
  • To consult with specialists, participants about health insurance policy applied for pediatric eye healthcare services. 
Time and Venue: 
Wednesday, 25 March, 2019 at Fortuna Hotel, Hanoi 
Participants of the workshop come from departments, administrations of managing and professional agencies of Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Invalid and Social Affairs, National Assembly’s Department of Social Affairs and other related managing agencies. 
Workshop content: 
Prevalence and prevalence rates of pediatric eye diseases, social and economic burden of diseases, barriers to healthcare services, costs of examination and treatment of pediatric eye diseases have been presented at the workshop. The estimated health insurance budget need to provide 100% of the cost of providing diagnosis, treatment, correction (excluding the cost of the glasses) and follow-up services for children’s refractive error would be between VND 666 billion to 856 billion, depending on the level of service coverage achieved. This represents between 4.3% and 5.6% of the total revenue of health insurance fund in 2017 collected from the children under 16 years old.
At this workshop, health managers and health policy makers have been actively discussed about the way to address the barriers to health insurance as well as to promote communication work about eye healthcare services accessibility of children so that child’s right of healthcare must be ensured as set in UN’s Rights of the child, Vietnam Law on Children as well as implementation of objectives as set in  the National Strategy for Prevention of Blindness to 2020, with a Vision to 2030
Assoc.Prof. Hoang Van Minh – Vice Rector of Hanoi University of Public Health, Director of Center for Population Health Sciences (CPHS) – Hanoi University of Public Health has presented results of study on barriers to eye healthcare service access and costs of examination and treatment of pediatric eye diseases at this workshop. 
Agenda of the workshop can be download here
Some photos taken at the workshop: 
Source: Center for Population Health Sciences (CPHS) – Hanoi University of Public Health

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