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Special Collection on Critical Issues in Health Services in Vietnam

The main aim of this publication project is to: to provide scientific evidence on health service-related issues for health planning, management and policy making process toward better health in Vietnam; to share research findings on various issues in health services from Vietnam with the rest of the world. .

Scientific seminar "Introduction, application of REDCap Software" at Hanoi University of Public Health

REDCap Software: This is a free online data management software developed by Vanderbilt University and currently used by 4233 universities and research institutes from 137 countries around the world.  .

Pre-Publication Support Service (PREPSS): Pre-publication peer review and copy editing

Pre-Publication Support Service (PREPSS) provides manuscript development and writing support to health researchers from around the globe   .

Workshop "Scientific writing" at the Hanoi University of Public Health

Providing writing knowledge and skill for article publication with international scientific journals; sharing experience in article publication with international scientific journals, error frequently made, and reasons why the articles were rejected; instructing, assisting authors, groups of authors to  prepare manuscripts for two upcoming special issues with “Environmental Health Insights” and  “International Journal of Healthcare Management” journals .

Seminar on "Health Equity in Southeast Asia" at the Hanoi University of Public Health

To share information and research findings on health equity topic in some countries in South-east Asia .

The 13th World Congress on Health Economics: New Heights in Health Economics in Basel, Switzerland from July 13-17

Objectives: featured updates on research findings, methodology, and cases; concurrent sessions on economic analysis refresher course and implementation/advocacy workshop; panel sessions on effective dissemination and future direction. .

Research results: "Implementation of the roadmap towards UHC for the period of 2012 - 2015 and 2020"

To share the results of the scheme’s evaluation “Implementation of the roadmap towards universal health insurance for the period of 2012 - 2015 and 2020”; To share the research results “Determining the health insurance premiums and benefits”; To consult with specialists, participants about universal health insurance policy and adjustment of health insurance premiums. .

Data collection for development of "Guidelines for the report of the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Vietnam"

Surveying the current situation of conducting health technology assessment, economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Vietnam; Developing the document "Guidelines for the report of the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Vietnam"; Evaluating the applicability of the document "Guidelines for the report of the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals in Vietnam" .