Title and position:
Contact information:
Building A, Hanoi University of Public Health, 1A Duc Thang Road, Duc Thang Ward, North Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Email: hvm@huph.edu.vn
Post-doc, Umeå International School of Public Health, Sweden, 2007-2010
PhD, Umeå International School of Public Health, Sweden, 2002-2006
MPH, Umeå International School of Public Health, Sweden, 2000-2001
Medical Doctor, Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam, 1988-1994
Work experiences:
Has been working as technical adviser to a number of international organizations (such as World Health Organization, World Bank, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, CDC, A&T, FHI, CMB...)
Scientific papers published in international peer-reviewed journals (140):
- Hoang VM, Oh J, Nguyen BN, Dat LM, Lee JK, Tran TGH, Nguyen VH, Lee SP, Bang KS, Cho Y, Kim SY, Lee HY, Le QC, Choi N, Dinh TS, Luu NH. Study Design for the 2016 Baseline Survey of a Health System Strengthening Project in Quoc Oai District, Hanoi, Vietnam. J Korean Med Sci. 2019 Jan 28;34(5):e42. doi:10.3346/jkms.2019.34.e42. eCollection 2019 Feb 4
- Jenkins C, Ngan TT, Ngoc NB, Phuong TB, Lohfeld L, Donnelly M, Van Minh H, Murray L. Strengthening breast cancer services in Vietnam: a mixed-methods study. Glob Health Res Policy. 2019 Jan 30;4:2. doi: 10.1186/s41256-019-0093-3.
Banks, L. M., Walsham, M., Minh, H. V., Duong, D. T. T., Ngan, T. T., Mai, V. Q., Blanchet, K., and Kuper, H. (2019) Access to social protection among people with disabilities: Evidence from Viet Nam. International Social Security Review, 72: 59–82. https://doi.org/10.1111/issr.12195.
- Minh HV, Duyen NT, Ngan TT, Ngoc NB, Son DT, Hai PT. Potential health impacts of increasing the cigarette tax in Viet Nam. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2018 Nov 1;22(11):1378-1382. doi:
- Duong DB, Minh HV, Ngo LH, Ellner AL. Readiness, availability and utilization of rural Vietnamese health facilities for community based primary care of non-communicable diseases: a cross-sectional survey of 3 provinces in Northern Vietnam. Int J Health Policy Manag. 2018;x(x):x–x. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2018.104
- Elsey H, Poudel AN, Ensor T, … Hoang Van Minh. Improving household surveys and use of data to address health inequities in three Asian cities: protocol for the Surveys for Urban Equity (SUE) mixed methods and feasibility study BMJ Open 2018;8:e024182. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024182
- Huy NV, Bang K‐S, Xuan HTA… Hoang Van Minh. The roles of, activities of, and competencies, for community nursing services in rural Vietnam: Implications for policy decisions. Int J Health Plann Mgmt. 2018;33:e1147–e1159. https://doi.org/10.1002/hpm.2600
- Tuyet-Hanh, T. T., Cam, N. N., Thanh Huong, L. T., Long, T. K., Kien, T. M., Kim Hanh, D. T., … Minh, H. V. (2018). Climate Variability and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Hanoi, Viet Nam, During 2008 to 2015. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 30(6), 532–541. https://doi.org/10.1177/1010539518790143
- Kien VD, Van Minh H, Giang KB, Ng N, Nguyen V, Tuan LT, Eriksson M. Views by health professionals on the responsiveness of commune health stations regarding non-communicable diseases in urban Hanoi, Vietnam: a qualitative study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 May 31;18(1):392. doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3217-4.
- Van Minh H, Ha BTT, Chuong NC, Anh ND. Women's health and health care in Vietnam.Health Care Women Int. 2018 Apr;39(4):364-367. doi: 10.1080/07399332.2018.1460143.
- Nguyen Ngoc Bich, Tran Thu Ngan, Kim Bao Giang, Phan Thi Hai, Doan Thi Thu Huyen, Luong Ngoc Khue, Nguyen Tuan Lam, Hoang Van Minh, Pham Thi Quynh Nga, Nguyen The Quan & Vu Hoang Loan. Salience and Impact of Health Warning Label on Cigarette Packs in Vietnam: Findings From the Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2015. Behavioral Medicine.. 2018
- Van Minh H, Oh J, Giang KB, Bao Ngoc N, Minh Hoang N, Giang Huong TT, et al. Health Service Utilization Among People With Noncommunicable Diseases in Rural Vietnam. Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP. 2018;24 Suppl 2 Supplement, Public Health in Vietnam:S60-s6.
- Van Minh H, Nasca P. Public Health in Transitional Vietnam: Achievements and Challenges. Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP. 2018;24 Suppl 2 Supplement, Public Health in Vietnam:S1-s2.
- Chris Jenkins, Luu Ngoc Minh, Tran Tuan Anh, Tran Thu Ngan, Ngo Tri Tuan, Kim Bao Giang, Luu Ngoc Hoat, Lynne Lohfeld, Michael Donnelly, Hoang Van Minh, Liam Murray (2018). Breast cancer services in Vietnam: a scoping review. Global Health Action. 11. 1435344. 10.1080/16549716.2018.1435344.
- Nguyen TT, Hoang MV. Non-communicable diseases, food and nutrition in Vietnam from 1975 to 2015: the burden and national response. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2018. 27(1):19-28. doi: 10.6133/apjcn.032017.13.
- Trung Quang Vo1, Usa Chaikledkaew, Minh Van Hoang, Huong Thuy Nguyen, Arthorn Riewpaiboon. Hospital Cost Analysis in Developing Countries: A Methodological Comparison in Vietnam. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics. Jan-March 2018 (Special Issue) | S8
- Trung Quang Vo, Usa Chaikledkaew, Minh Van Hoang, Huong Thuy Nguyen, Arthorn Riewpaiboon. Development of Relative Value Units for Unit Cost analysis of Medical Services in Vietnam. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics. Jan-March 2018 (Special Issue) | S19
- Trung Quang Vo, Usa Chaikledkaew, Minh Van Hoang, Huong Thuy Nguyen, Arthorn Riewpaiboon. National Reference Unit Cost of Health care Services: International Experiences. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics. Jan-March 2018 (Special Issue) | S27
- Huong LTT, Long TK, Van Anh TT, Tuyet-Hanh TT, Giang KB, Hai PT, … Minh HV: Exposure to Tobacco Advertising, Promotion Among the Adult Population in Vietnam and Its Implications for Public Health. Asia-Pacific journal of public health. 2017;29(7):569-79.
- Chuong NC, Van Minh H, Thi Thuy Duong D. Progress on maternal health care in Vietnam: Findings from Vietnam Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2000, 2006, 2011, and 2014. 2017:1-9.
- Anh Dao LT, Duy Anh N, Le TAD, Nguyen DA, Ta TV, Hoang VM. Analysis of the cause of recurrent pregnancy loss in Vietnam: A cross-sectional study. Health Care Women Int. 2017:1-9.
- Nguyen AD, Hoang MV, Nguyen CC. Medical costs for the treatment of cervical cancer at central hospitals in Vietnam. Health Care Women Int. 2017:1-8.
- Minh HV, Mai VQ, Nhung NV, Hoi LV, Giang KB, Chung LH, Kien VD, Duyen NT, Ngoc NB, Anh TT et al: Costs of providing tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment services in Viet Nam. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2017, 21(9):1035-1040.
- Van Minh Hoang, Cam Phuong Pham, Quynh Mai Vu, et al., “Household Financial Burden and Poverty Impacts of Cancer Treatment in Vietnam,” BioMed Research International, vol. 2017, Article ID 9350147, 8 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/9350147
- Quang Vo T, Chaikledkaew U, Van Hoang M, Riewpaiboon A: Social and economic burden of patients with influenza-like illness and clinically diagnosed flu treated at various health facilities in Vietnam. ClinicoEconomics and outcomes research : CEOR 2017, 9:423-432.
- Van Minh H, Van Dung D, Hung NV, Sankoh O: Health and Health Care Transitions in Vietnam: Evidence From the CHILILAB Health and Demographic Surveillance System (CHILILAB HDSS). Asia-Pacific journal of public health 2017, 29(5_suppl):6S-8S.
- Van Minh H, Ngan TT, Ngoc NB, Kien VD, Mai VQ, Phuong TB, Anh TT, Giang KB, Van Tuong P, Duc HA et al: Methods for the 2016 Socioeconomic and Health Survey in Chi Linh Health and Demographic Surveillance System (CHILILAB HDSS). Asia-Pacific journal of public health 2017, 29(5_suppl):9S-17S.
- Thi Thuy Nga N, Thi My Anh B, Nguyen Ngoc N, Minh Diem D, Duy Kien V, Bich Phuong T, Quynh Anh T, Van Minh H: Capacity of Commune Health Stations in Chi Linh District, Hai Duong Province, for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases. Asia-Pacific journal of public health 2017, 29(5_suppl):94s-101s.
- Kien VD, Jat TR, Giang KB, Hai PT, Huyen DTT, Khue LN, Lam NT, Nga PTQ, Quan NT, Van Minh H: Trends in socioeconomic inequalities among adult male hardcore smokers in Vietnam: 2010-2015. International journal for equity in health 2017, 16(1):126.
- Aji B, Masfiah S, Harwanti S, Ulfah N, Minh HV: Social Capital, Health Insurance, and Community Action: Toward Universal Health Coverage for Informal Workers. Advanced Science Letters 2017, 23(4):3586-3589.
- Van Minh H, My NTT, Jit M. Cervical cancer treatment costs and cost-effectiveness analysis of human papillomavirus vaccination in Vietnam: a PRIME modeling study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2017 May 15;17(1):353. doi: 10.1186/s12913-017-2297-x.
- Nguyen CT, Pham NM, Do VV, Binns CW, Hoang VM, Dang DA, Lee AH: Soyfood and isoflavone intake and risk of type 2 diabetes in Vietnamese adults. European journal of clinical nutrition 2017.
- Trung Quang Vo, Usa Chaikledkaew, Minh Van Hoang, and Arthorn Riewpaiboon. Quality of Health Economic Evaluation in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review in Vietnam. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy. 2017 Mar
- Kien VD, Van Minh H, Giang KB, Mai VQ, Tuan NT, Quam MB. Trends in childhood measles vaccination highlight socioeconomic inequalities in Vietnam. International journal of public health. 2017;62(Suppl 1):41-9.
- Duong Minh Duc, Le Thi Vui, Hoang Ngoc Son, Hoang Van Minh. Smoking Initiation and Cessation among Youths in Vietnam: A Longitudinal Study Using the Chi Linh Demographic—Epidemiological Surveillance System (CHILILAB DESS). AIMS Public Health , 2017, 4(1): 1-18. doi: 10.3934/publichealth.2017.1.1
- Van Minh H, Giang KB, Ngoc NB, Hai PT, Huyen DT, Khue LN, et al. Prevalence of tobacco smoking in Vietnam: findings from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2015. International journal of public health. 2017;62(Suppl 1):121-9.
- Van Minh H, Nguyen-Viet H. Health and social determinants of health in Vietnam: local evidence and international implications. International journal of public health. 2017;62(Suppl 1):1-2.
- Vu Duy Kien, Hoang Van Minh, Nguyen Bao Ngoc, Tran Bich Phuong, Tran Thu Ngan, Mikkel B. Quam. Inequalities in Household Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Impoverishment Associated With Noncommunicable Diseases in Chi Linh, Hai Duong, Vietnam. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 2017. 29. 35S-44S. 10.1177/1010539517712919.
- Quang Vo T, Chaikledkaew U, Van Hoang M, Riewpaiboon A. Economic burden of inluenza at a tertiary hospital in Vietnam. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 2017. 7. 144-150. 10.12980/apjtd.7.2017D6-348.
- Trung Quang Vo, Usa Chaikledkaew, Minh Van Hoang, and Arthorn Riewpaiboon. Healthcare costing studies in developing countries: A systematic review in Vietnam. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res. 2016, 39(2), July – August 2016; Article No. 53, Pages: 295-299
- Kien VD, Lee HY, Nam YS, Oh J, Giang KB, Minh HV. Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in child malnutrition in Vietnam: findings from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, 2000-2011. Global health action. 2016;9(1):29263.
- Minh, H., Anh, T., & Nga, N. (2016). Health insurance drop-out among adult population: Findings from a study in a Health and demographic surveillance system in Northern Vietnam 2006–2013. Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics, 1
- Kien VD, Van Minh H, Giang KB, Dao A, Tuan LT, Ng N. Socioeconomic inequalities in catastrophic health expenditure and impoverishment associated with non-communicable diseases in urban Hanoi, Vietnam. International journal for equity in health. 2016;15(1):169.
- Tran Thi Tuyet-Hanh, Tran Khanh Long, Hoang Van Minh, Le Thi Thanh Huong. Longitudinal Household Trends in Access to Improved Water Sources and Sanitation in Chi Linh Town, Hai Duong Province, Viet Nam and Associated Factors. AIMS Public Health , 2016, 3(4): 880-890. doi: 10.3934/publichealth.2016.4.880
- Minh HV, Giang KB, Hoat LN, Chung LH, Huong TT, Phuong NT, et al. Analysis of selected social determinants of health and their relationships with maternal health service coverage and child mortality in Vietnam. Global health action. 2016;9(1):28836.
- Son DT, Oh J, Heo J, Huy NV, Minh HV, Choi S, et al. Early sexual initiation and multiple sexual partners among Vietnamese women: analysis from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2011. Global health action. 2016;9(1):29575.
- Van Minh H, Oh J, Giang KB, Kien VD, Nam YS, Lee CO, et al. Multiple vulnerabilities and maternal healthcare in Vietnam: findings from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, 2000, 2006, and 2011. Global health action. 2016;9(1):29386.
- Van Minh H, Oh J, Hoat LN, Lee JK, Williams JS. Millennium Development Goals in Vietnam: Taking Multi-sectoral Action to Improve Health and Address the Social Determinants. Global health action. 2016;9(1):31271.
- Minh HV, Chung le H, Giang KB, Duc DM, Hinh ND, Mai VQ, et al. Potential Impact of Graphic Health Warnings on Cigarette Packages in Reducing Cigarette Demand and Smoking-Related Deaths in Vietnam. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2016;17 Suppl:85-90.
- Minh HV, Giang KB, Hai PT, Hoang TD, Huyen DT, et al. Access to Anti-smoking Information among School Children and its Potential Impact on Preventing Smoking Initiation: Results from the Global Youth Tobacco Use Survey (GYTS) 2014 in Viet Nam. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2016;17 Suppl:31-6.
- Minh HV, Ngan TT, Mai VQ, My NT, Chung le H, Kien VD, et al. Tobacco Control Policies in Vietnam: Review on MPOWER Implementation Progress and Challenges. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2016;17 Suppl:1-9.
- Anh le TK, Quyen BT, Minh HV, Giang KB, Hai PT, Huyen DT, et al. Tobacco Access and Availability for Vietnamese School Children (aged 13-15): Results from the Global Youth Tobacco Use Survey (GYTS) 2014 in Viet Nam. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2016;17 Suppl:25-9.
- Duc DM, Vui le T, Quynh NT, Minh HV. Changes in Co-Occurrence of Smoking and Harmful Drinking among Youth: a Study from the Chi Linh Demographic - Epidemiological Surveillance System in Vietnam, 2006-2013. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2016;17 Suppl:55-63.
- Giang KB, Chung le H, Minh HV, Kien VD, Giap VV, Hinh ND, et al. Relative Importance of Different Attributes of Graphic Health Warnings on Tobacco Packages in Viet Nam. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2016;17 Suppl:79-84.
- Giang KB, Minh HV, Hai PT, Huyen DT, Khue LN, Linh NT, et al. Methodology for the Global Youth Tobacco Use Survey (GYST), Vietnam, 2014. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2016;17 Suppl:11-5.
- Huong le T, Vu NT, Dung NN, Xuan le TT, Giang KB, Hai PT, Minh HV, et al. Cigarette Smoking among Adolescents aged 13-15 in Viet Nam and Correlates of Current Cigarette Smoking: Results from GYTS 2014 Data. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2016;17 Suppl:17-23.
- Huong NT, Kien NT, Giang KB, Minh HV, Hai PT, Huyen DT, et al. Knowledge and Attitude Towards Tobacco Smoking among 13-15 Year-Old School Children in Viet Nam - Findings from GYTS 2014. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2016;17 Suppl:37-42.
- Lam NT, Nga PT, Minh HV, Giang KB, Hai PT, Huyen DT, et al. Trends in Second-Hand Tobacco Smoke Exposure Levels at Home among Viet Nam School Children Aged 13-15 and Associated Factors. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2016;17 Suppl:43-7.
- Long TK, Son PX, Giang KB, Hai PT, Huyen DT, Khue LN, Minh HV, et al. Exposure to Tobacco Advertising and Promotion among School Children Aged 13-15 in Vietnam - an Overview from GYTS 2014. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. 2016;17 Suppl:49-53.
- Tuyet-Hanh TT, Lee JK, Oh J, Van Minh H, Ou Lee C, Hoan le T, Nam YS, Long TK: Household trends in access to improved water sources and sanitation facilities in Vietnam and associated factors: findings from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, 2000-2011. Glob Health Action. 2016 Feb 29;9:29434. doi: 10.3402/gha.v9.29434. eCollection 2016.
- Minh An DT, Lee JK, Van Minh H, Trang NT, Thu Huong NT, Nam YS, Van Dung D. Timely immunization completion among children in Vietnam from 2000 to 2011: a multilevel analysis of individual and contextual factors. Glob Health Action. 2016 Feb 29;9:29189. doi: 10.3402/gha.v9.29189. eCollection 2016.
- Kim Bao Giang, Juhwan Oh, Vu Duy Kien, Luu Ngoc Hoat, Sugy Choi, Chul Ou Lee, and Hoang Van Minh: Changes and inequalities in early birth registration and childhood care and education in Vietnam: findings from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, 2006 and 2011. Glob Health Action. 2016; 9: 10.3402/gha.v9.29470.
- Kien VD, Van Minh H, Giang KB, Dao A, Weinehall L, Eriksson M, Ng N: Socioeconomic inequalities in self-reported chronic non-communicable diseases in urban Hanoi, Vietnam. Glob Public Health. 2017 Dec;12(12):1522-1537. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2015.1123282. Epub 2016 Jan 4.
- Hoang VM, Oh J, Tran TA, Tran TG, Ha AD, Luu NH, et al. Patterns of Health Expenditures and Financial Protections in Vietnam 1992-2012. Journal of Korean medical science. 2015;30 Suppl 2:S134-8.
- Hoang VM, Tran TA, Ha AD, Nguyen VH. Cost of Hospitalization for Foodborne Diarrhea: A Case Study from Vietnam. Journal of Korean medical science. 2015;30 Suppl 2:S178-82.
- Nguyen PH, Hoang MV, Hajeebhoy N, Tran LM, Le CH, Menon P, Rawat R. Maternal willingness to pay for infant and young child nutrition counseling services in Vietnam.Glob Health Action. 2015 Aug 31;8:28001.
- Jit M, Huyen DT, Friberg I, Van Minh H, Kiet PH, Walker N, Van Cuong N, Duong TN, Toda K, Hutubessy R, Fox K, Hien NT: Thirty years of vaccination in Vietnam: Impact and cost-effectiveness of the national Expanded Programme on Immunization. Vaccine. 2015 May 7;33 Suppl 1:A233-9
- Minh HV, Phuong NK, Ozaltin A, Cashin C: Costing of commune health station visits for provider payment reform in Vietnam. Global public health 2015, 10 Supppl 1:S95-s103.
- Minh HV, Giang le M, Cashin C, Hinh ND: Health system research in Vietnam: Generating policy-relevant knowledge. Global public health 2015, 10 Supppl 1:S1-4.
- Minh HV, Giang KB, Liem NT, Palmer M, Thao NP, Duong le B: Estimating the extra cost of living with disability in Vietnam. Global public health 2015, 10 Supppl 1:S70-79.
- Xuefeng Liu, Van Minh Hoang, Yali Liu, and Rachel L.W. Brown, “Untreated Isolated Sytolic Hypertension among Middle-Aged and Old Adults in the United States: Trends in the Prevalence by Demographic Factors During 1999–2010,” International Journal of Chronic Diseases, vol. 2015, Article ID 508584, 8 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/508584
- Giang KB, Minh HV, Hien NV, Ngoc NM, Hinh ND: Knowledge of primary health care and career choice at primary health care settings among final year medical students - Challenges to human resources for health in Vietnam. Global public health 2015, 10 Supppl 1:S120-130.
- Giang KB1, Minh HV, Hien NV, Ngoc NM, Hinh ND: Knowledge of primary health care and career choice at primary health care settings among final year medical students - challenges to human resources for health in Vietnam.Glob Public Health. 2015;10 Supppl 1:S120-30. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2014.986157. Epub 2014 Dec 6.
- Van Minh H, Tuan Anh T, Rocklov J, Bao Giang K, Trang le Q, Sahlen KG, Nilsson M, Weinehall L: Primary healthcare system capacities for responding to storm and flood-related health problems: a case study from a rural district in central Vietnam. Global health action 2014, 7:23007.
- Van Minh H, Pocock NS, Chaiyakunapruk N, Chhorvann C, Duc HA, Hanvoravongchai P, Lim J, Lucero-Prisno DE, 3rd, Ng N, Phaholyothin N et al: Progress toward universal health coverage in ASEAN. Global health action 2014, 7:25856.
- Van Minh H, Do YK, Bautista MA, Tuan Anh T: Describing the primary care system capacity for the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases in rural Vietnam. The International journal of health planning and management 2014, 29(2):e159-173.
- Toan do TT, Kien VD, Bao Giang K, Van Minh H, Wright P: Perceptions of climate change and its impact on human health: an integrated quantitative and qualitative approach. Global health action 2014, 7:23025.
- Rocklov J, Bao Giang K, Van Minh H, Ebi K, Nilsson M, Sahlen KG, Weinehall L: Local research evidence for public health interventions against climate change in Vietnam. Global health action 2014, 7:26552.
- Riewpaiboon A, Van Minh H, Huong NT, Dung P, Wright EP: Burden of care for persons with disabilities in Vietnam. Health & social care in the community 2014, 22(6):660-671.
- Duy Kien V, Van Minh H, Bao Giang K, Weinehall L, Ng N: Horizontal inequity in public health care service utilization for non-communicable diseases in urban Vietnam. Global health action 2014, 7:24919.
- Giang KB, Van Minh H, Nga PQ, Hai PT, Quan NT, Tong VT, Xuan le TT, Hsia J.: Factors associated with exposure to antismoking information among adults in Vietnam, Global Adult Tobacco Survey, 2010.Prev Chronic Dis. 2013 Sep 12;10:E153. doi: 10.5888/pcd10.120348.
- Carol E Levin, Hoang Van Minh, John Odaga, Swampa Sarit Rout, Diep Nguyen Thi Ngoc, Lysander Menezes, Maria Ana Mendoza Araujog, Scott LaMontagne. Delivery cost of human papillomavirus vaccination of young adolescent girls in Peru, Uganda and Viet Nam. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2013. Available at http://www.who.int/bulletin/online_first/12-113837.pdf
- Tran BX, Nguyen N, Ohinmaa A, Duong AT, Nguyen LT, Van Hoang M, Vu PX, Veugelers PJ. Prevalence and correlates of alcohol use disorders during antiretroviral treatment in injection-driven HIV epidemics in Vietnam. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2013 Jan 1;127(1-3):39-44. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.06.009. Epub 2012 Jun 29.
- Xuan le TT, Van Minh H, Giang KB, Nga PT, Hai PT, Minh NT, Hsia J. Prevalence of water pipe tobacco smoking among population aged 15 years or older, Vietnam, 2010. Prev Chronic Dis. 2013 Apr 18;10:E57. doi: 10.5888/pcd10.120100.
- Hinh ND, Minh HV. Public health in Vietnam: scientific evidence for policy changes and interventions. Glob Health Action. 2013 Feb 25;6:20443. doi: 10.3402/gha.v6i0.20443.
- Tran BX, Van Hoang M, Nguyen HD. Factors associated with job satisfaction among commune health workers: implications for human resource policies. Glob Health Action. 2013 Jan 30;6:1-6. doi: 10.3402/gha.v6i0.18619.
- Minh An DT, Van Minh H, Huong le T, Giang KB, Xuan le TT, Hai PT, Quynh Nga P, Hsia J. Knowledge of the health consequences of tobacco smoking: a cross-sectional survey of Vietnamese adults. Glob Health Action. 2013 Jan 31;6:1-9. doi: 10.3402/gha.v6i0.18707.
- Giang KB, Van Minh H, Allebeck P. Alcohol consumption and household expenditure on alcohol in a rural district in Vietnam. Glob Health Action. 2013 Jan 28;6:18937. doi: 10.3402/gha.v6i0.18937.
- Minh HV, Bach TX: Assessing the household financial burden associated with the chronic non-communicable diseases in a rural district of Vietnam. Glob Health Action. 2012 Dec 20;5(0):1-7. doi: 10.3402/gha.v5i0.18892
- Minh HV, Phuong NTK, Saksena P, Jame C, Xu K: Financial burden of household out-of pocket health expenditure in Viet Nam: findings from the National Living Standard Survey 2002-2010. Soc Sci Med. 2012 Dec 1. doi:pii: S0277-9536(12)00787-3. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.11.028. [Epub ahead of print]
- Van Minh H, Nguyen-Viet H, Thanh NH, Yang JC. Assessing willingness to pay for improved sanitation in rural Vietnam. Environ Health Prev Med. 2012 Nov 10. [Epub ahead of print]
- Dao TM, Hoang VM, Le TH, Kim BG, Le TT, Pham TQ, Hsia J. Attitudes Toward Non-smoking Policies and Tobacco Tax Increases: A Cross-sectional Study Among Vietnamese Adults. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2012 Oct 2. [Epub ahead of print]
- Huong, L., Minh HV, Giang, K., Xuan, L., Nga, V., Nga, P., Hai, P. and Hsia, J. (2012) Pattern of smoking cessation and its associated factors in Vietnam. Health, 4, 289-296.
- Minh HV, Bach TX, Mai NY, Wright P: The cost of providing HIV/AIDS counselling and testing services in Vietnam. Value in Heath Regional Issues 1 (2 0 1 2 ) 3 6 – 4 0.
- Minh HV, Giang KB, Xuan LTT, Nga PTQ, Hai PT. Exposure to second-hand smoke at home and its associated factors: findings from Global Adult Tobacco Use survey in Vietnam, 2010. Cancer Causes Control. 2012 Mar;23 Suppl 1:99-107.
- Van Minh H, Ng N, Byass P, Wall S. Patterns of subjective quality of life among older adults in rural Vietnam and Indonesia.Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2011 Nov 28. doi: 10.1111/j.1447-0594.2011.00777.x
- Van Minh H, Hung NV. Economic aspects of sanitation in developing countries. Environ Health Insights. 2011;5:63-70. Epub 2011 Oct 18.
- Poulos C, Yang JC, Levin C, Van Minh H, Giang KB, Nguyen D. Mothers' preferences and willingness to pay for HPV vaccines in Vinh Long Province, Vietnam. Soc Sci Med. 2011 Jul;73(2):226-34.
- Minh HV, Hai PT, Giang KB, Nga PQ, Khanh PH, Lam NT, Kinh LN: Effects of individual characteristics and school environment on cigarette smoking among students ages 13-15: A multilevel analysis of the 2007 Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) data from Vietnam. Glob Public Health. 2011;6(3):307-19.
- Sanjay Juvekar, Nawi Ng, Hoang V Minh, Abdur Razzaque, Tran H Bich, U Kanungsukkasem, A Ashraf, Syed Masud Ahmed, K Soonthornthada, Anand Krishnan, Osman Sankoh. Non communicable diseases (NCD) risk factor surveillance in health and demographic surveillance systems (HDSS) of Asia: establishing sentinel sites for comprehensive community-based surveillance in Asia. Tropical Medicine & International Health 2011. 16. 44-45.
- Fottrell E, Kahn K, Ng N, Sartorius B, Huong DL, Van Minh H, Fantahun M, Byass P: Mortality measurement in transition: proof of principle for standardised multi-country comparisons. Trop Med Int Health. 2010 Oct;15(10):1256-65
- Hoang Van Minh, Peter Byass, Nguyen Thi Kim Chuc, Stig Wall. Patterns of health status and quality of life among older people in rural Viet Nam. Global Health Action Supplement 2, 2010. DOI: 10.3402/gha.v3i0.5302
- Paul Kowal, Kathleen Kahn, Nawi Ng, Nirmala Naidoo, Salim Adbullah, Ayaga Bawah, Fred Binka, Nguyen T.K. Chuc, Cornelius Debpuur, Alex Ezeh, F. Xavier Gómez-Olive, Mohammad Hakimi, Siddhivinayak Hirve, Abraham Hodgson, Sanjay Juvekar, Catherine Kyobutungi, Jane Menken, Hoang Van Minh, Mathew A. Mwanyangala, Abdur Razzaque, Osman Sankoh, P. Kim Streatfield, Stig Wall, Siswanto Wilopo, Peter Byass, Somnath Chatterji, Stephen M. Tollman. Ageing and adult health status in eight lower-income countries: the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE collaboration. Global Health Action Supplement 2, 2010. DOI: 10.3402/gha.v3i0.5302
- Nawi Ng, Paul Kowal, Kathleen Kahn, Nimala Naidoo, Salim Abdullah, Ayaga Bawah, Fred Binka, Nguyen T.K. Chuc, Cornelius Debpuur, Thaddeus Egondi, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Mohammad Hakimi, Siddhivinayak Hirve, Abraham Hodgson, Sanjay Juvekar, Catherine Kyobutangi, Hoang Van Minh, Mathew A. Mwanyangala, Rose Nathan, Abdur Razzaque, Osman Sankoh, P. Kim Streatfield, Margaret Thorogood, Stig Wall, Siswanto Wilopo, Peter Byass, Stephen M. Tollman, Somnath Chatterji. Health inequalities among older men and women in Africa and Asia: evidence from eight Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites in the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE study. Global Health Action Supplement 2, 2010. DOI: 10.3402/gha.v3i0.5420
- Minh HV, Nga PT. Tobacco use among women: gendered perspective to be included in global tobacco control policies. Indian J Med Res. 2010 May;131:600-2
- Minh HV, Huong DL, Byass P, Wall S: A multilevel analysis of effects of individual characteristics and household factors on self-rated health among older adult in rural Vietnam. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2010 Apr;10(2):209-15.
- Minh HV, Huong DL, Byass P, Wall S: Multilevel analysis of covariation in socioeconomic predictors of physical functioning and psychological well-being among the elderly in rural Vietnam. BMC Geriatr. 2010 Feb 11;10(1):7.
- Van Minh H, Thi Hai P, Bao Giang K, Ngoc Kinh L. Prevalence of and susceptibility to cigarette smoking among female students aged 13 to 15 years in Vietnam, 2007. Prev Chronic Dis 2010;7(1).
- Minh HV, Giang KB, Huong DL, Huong LT, Huong NT, Giang PN, Hoat LN, Wright P: Costing of clinical services in rural district hospitals in northern Vietnam. Int J Health Plann Manage. 2010 Jan-Mar;25(1):63-73.
- Tsu VD, Levin C, Tran MP, Hoang MV, Luu HT: Cost-effectiveness analysis of active management of third-stage labour in Vietnam. Health Policy Plan. 2009 Nov;24(6):438-44
- Minh HV, Giang KB, Bich NN, Huong NT: Tobacco Farming in Rural Vietnam: Questionable Economic Gain but Evident Health Risks. BMC Public Health 2009, 9(1):24.
- Ng N, Winkler V, Minh HV, Tesfaye F, Wall S, Becher H: Predicting lung cancer death in Africa and Asia: differences with WHO estimates. Cancer Causes Control. 2009 Jul;20(5):721-30
- Minh HV, Giang KB, Huong DL: Economic aspects of chronic diseases in Vietnam. Global Health Action 2009. DOI: 10.3402/gha.v2i0.1965.
- Minh HV, Soonthornthada K, Ng N, Juvekar S, Razzaque A, Ashraf A, et al. Patterns of raised blood pressure and, its treatment in nine Health And Demographic
- Ng N, Minh HV, Juvekar S, Razzaque A, Bich TH, Kanungsukkasem U, et al. Using the INDEPTH HDSS to build capacity for chronic non-communicable disease risk factor surveillance in low and middle-income countries. Global Health Action Supplement 1, 2009.
- Ng N, Hakimi M, Minh HV, Juvekar S, Razzaque A, Ashraf A, et al. Prevalence of physical inactivity in nine Health And Demographic Surveillance Systems (HDSSs) in Asia. Global Health Action Supplement 1, 2009.
- Razzaque A, Nahar L, Minh HV, Ng N, Juvekar S, Ashraf A, et al. Social factors and overweight: evidence from nine Asian INDEPTH Network sites. Global Health Action Supplement 1, 2009.
- Ashraf A, Quaiyum MA, Ng N, Minh HV, Razzaque A, Ahmed SM, et al. Prevalence of self reported use of tobacco products and their relationship with selected socio-economic characteristics in the Asian region of INDEPTH Network. Global Health Action Supplement 1, 2009.
- Bich TH, Nga PTQ, Quang LN, Minh HV, Ng N, Juvekar S, et al. Patterns of alcohol consumption in Asian region and their relationships with socio-demographic status. Global Health Action Supplement 1, 2009.
- Ahmed SM, Hadi A, Razzaque A, Ashraf A, Juvekar S, Ng N, Minh HV, et al. Clustering of chronic NCD risk factors among selected Asian populations: levels and determinants. Global Health Action Supplement 1, 2009.
- Van Minh H, Soonthornthada K, Ng N, Juvekar S, Razzaque A, Ashraf A, Ahmed SM, Bich TH, Kanungsukkasem U: Blood pressure in adult rural INDEPTH population in Asia.Glob Health Action. 2009 Sep 28;2. doi: 10.3402/gha.v2i0.2010.
- Ali Ashraf, M.A. Quaiyum, Nawi Ng, Hoang Van Minh, Abdur Razzaque, Syed Masud Ahmed, Abdullahel Hadi, Sanjay Juvekar, Uraiwan Kanungsukkasem, Kusol Soonthornthada, and Tran Huu Bich: Self-reported use of tobacco products in nine rural INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems in Asia. Glob Health Action. 2009; 2: 10.3402/gha.v2i0.1997.
- Uraiwan Kanungsukkasem, Nawi Ng, Hoang Van Minh, Abdur Razzaque, Ali Ashraf, Sanjay Juvekar, Syed Masud Ahmed, and Tran Huu Bich: Fruit and vegetable consumption in rural adults population in INDEPTH HDSS sites in Asia. Glob Health Action. 2009 Sep 28;2. doi: 10.3402/gha.v2i0.1988.
- Goldie SJ, Diaz M, Kim SY, Levin CE, Van Minh H, Kim JJ. Mathematical models of cervical cancer prevention in the Asia Pacific region.Vaccine. 2008 Aug 19;26 Suppl 12:M17-29
- Kim JJ, Kobus KE, Diaz M, O'Shea M, Van Minh H, Goldie SJ: Exploring the cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccination in Vietnam: Insights for evidence-based cervical cancer prevention policy. Vaccine 26 (2008) 4015–4024
- Minh HV, Yen NTB, Giang KB, Huong DL, Huong NT, Wright P: Cost of providing the expanded program on immunization: findings from a facility-based study in Vietnam, 2005. Bulletin of World Health Organization 2008;86:429–434.
- Minh HV, Giang KB, Huong DL: Self-reported chronic diseases and associated socio-demographic status and life style risk factors among rural Vietnamese adults. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 36, No. 6, 629-634 (2008)
- Hoang VM, Nawi Ng, Juvekar S, P Byass: Prevalence of self-reported chronic diseases and their relationships with selected socio-demographic variables: A study in INDEPTH Asian sites, 2005. Prev Chronic Dis 2008;5(3).
- Giang KB, Allebeck P, Spak F, Van Minh H, Dzung TV: Alcohol use and alcohol consumption related problems in rural Vietnam: an epidemiological survey using AUDIT. Substance abuse 2008;43(3-4):481-95.
- F Tesfaye, Ng Nawi, H Van Minh, P Byass, Y Berhane, R Bonita, S Wall: Association between body mass index and blood pressure across three populations in Africa and Asia. Journal of Human Hypertension 2007, 21:28-37.
- Hoang VM, Byass P, Dao LH, Nguyen TK, Wall S: Risk factors for chronic disease among rural Vietnamese adults and the association of these factors with sociodemographic variables: findings from the WHO STEPS survey in rural Vietnam, 2005. Prev Chronic Dis 2007, 4(2):A22.
- Hoang VM, Dao LH, Wall S, Nguyen TK, Byass P: Cardiovascular disease mortality and its association with socioeconomic status: findings from a population-based cohort study in rural Vietnam, 1999-2003. Prev Chronic Dis 2006, 3(3):A89.
- Minh HV, Nawi Ng, Wall S, Stenlund H, Bonita R, Weinehall L, Hakimi M, Byass P: Smoking Epidemics And Socio-Economic Predictors Of Regular Use And Cessation: Findings From WHO STEPS Risk Factor Surveys In Vietnam And Indonesia. The Internet Journal of Epidemiology 2006, 3 (1).
- Huong DL, Minh HV, Vos T, Janlert U, Van do D, Byass P: Burden of premature mortality in rural Vietnam from 1999-2003: analyses from a Demographic Surveillance Site. Popul Health Metr 2006, 4:9.
- Huong DL, Van Minh H, Janlert U, Van do D, Byass P: Socio-economic status inequality and major causes of death in adults: a 5-year follow-up study in rural Vietnam. Public Health 2006, 120(6):497-504.
- Minh HV, Byass P, Chuc NT, Wall S: Gender differences in prevalence and socioeconomic determinants of hypertension: findings from the WHO STEPs survey in a rural community of Vietnam. J Hum Hypertens 2006, 20(2):109-115.
- Ng N, Van Minh H, Tesfaye F, Bonita R, Byass P, Stenlund H, Weinehall L, Wall S: Combining risk factors and demographic surveillance: potentials of WHO STEPS and INDEPTH methodologies for assessing epidemiological transition. Scand J Public Health 2006, 34(2):199-208.
- Byass P, Huong DL, Minh HV: A probabilistic approach to interpreting verbal autopsies: methodology and preliminary validation in Vietnam. Scand J Public Health Suppl 2003, 62:32-37.
- Huong DL, Minh HV, Byass P: Applying verbal autopsy to determine cause of death in rural Vietnam. Scand J Public Health Suppl 2003, 62:19-25.
- Minh HV, Byass P, Wall S: Mortality from cardiovascular diseases in Bavi District, Vietnam. Scand J Public Health Suppl 2003, 62:26-31.
Contribution to cross-country papers:
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to worldwide trends and variations in raised blood pressure: a pooled analysis of 1018 population-based measurement studies with 88.6 million participants. Int J Epidemiol. 2018 Mar 19. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyy016
- Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128.9 million children, adolescents, and adults. Lancet. 2017;390(10113):2627-42.
- A century of trends in adult human height. eLife. 2016;5.
- Danaei G, Finucane MM, Lin JK, Singh GM, Paciorek CJ, Cowan MJ, et al. National, regional, and global trends in systolic blood pressure since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 786 country-years and 5.4 million participants. Lancet. 2011;377(9765):568-77.
- Giovino GA, Mirza SA, Samet JM, Gupta PC, Jarvis MJ, Bhala N, et al. Tobacco use in 3 billion individuals from 16 countries: an analysis of nationally representative cross-sectional household surveys. Lancet. 2012;380(9842):668-79.
- Kowal P, Chatterji S, Naidoo N, Biritwum R, Fan W, Lopez Ridaura R, et al. Data resource profile: the World Health Organization Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE). International journal of epidemiology. 2012;41(6):1639-49.
- Palipudi KM, Gupta PC, Sinha DN, Andes LJ, Asma S, McAfee T. Social determinants of health and tobacco use in thirteen low and middle income countries: evidence from Global Adult Tobacco Survey. PloS one. 2012;7(3):e33466.
- Danaei G, Singh GM, Paciorek CJ, Lin JK, Cowan MJ, Finucane MM, et al. The global cardiovascular risk transition: associations of four metabolic risk factors with national income, urbanization, and Western diet in 1980 and 2008. Circulation. 2013;127(14):1493-502, 502e1-8.
- King BA, Mirza SA, Babb SD. A cross-country comparison of second-hand smoke exposure among adults: findings from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS). Tobacco control. 2013;22(4):e5.
- Singh GM, Danaei G, Farzadfar F, Stevens GA, Woodward M, Wormser D, et al. The age-specific quantitative effects of metabolic risk factors on cardiovascular diseases and diabetes: a pooled analysis. PloS one. 2013;8(7):e65174.
- Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases C, Lu Y, Hajifathalian K, Ezzati M, Woodward M, Rimm EB, et al. Metabolic mediators of the effects of body-mass index, overweight, and obesity on coronary heart disease and stroke: a pooled analysis of 97 prospective cohorts with 1.8 million participants. Lancet. 2014;383(9921):970-83.
- Kostova D, Chaloupka FJ, Yurekli A, Ross H, Cherukupalli R, Andes L, et al. A cross-country study of cigarette prices and affordability: evidence from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey. Tobacco control. 2014;23(1):e3.
- Kostova D, Tesche J, Perucic AM, Yurekli A, Asma S. Exploring the relationship between cigarette prices and smoking among adults: a cross-country study of low- and middle-income nations. Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. 2014;16 Suppl 1:S10-5.
- Morton J, Song Y, Fouad H, Awa FE, Abou El Naga R, Zhao L, et al. Cross-country comparison of water pipe use: nationally representative data from 13 low and middle-income countries from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS). Tobacco control. 2014;23(5):419-27.
- The Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases C. Cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes mortality burden of cardiometabolic risk factors from 1980 to 2010: a comparative risk assessment. The lancet Diabetes & endocrinology. 2014.
Major international research collaboration and awards:
- Documenting how the arts and storytelling can save lives: The “Viet Nam Breast Cancer” Partnership, 2018-2020. In collaboration with Queen’s University of Belfast, UK. Funded by Medical Research Council (MRC), UK. Role: Co-Principal Investigator.
- An EQ-5D-5L value set for the Vietnam population, 2017-2018. In collaboration with Umea University Sweden. Funded by EUROQOL Foundation. Role: Principal investigator.
- Health System Strengthening project, 2016-2020. In collaboration with and funded by Seoul National University, Korea. Role: Co- principal investigator.
- Evaluation for the Ho Chi Minh City communities for healthy hearts (CH2) project based on longitudinal study approach, 2016-2018, Funded by Novartis Foundation, Switzerland. Role: Principal investigator.
- Cultural Adaptation and Evaluation of mHealth Interventions for Smoking Cessation in Vietnam, 2017-2021. In collaboration with Georgia State University, USA. Funded by NIH, USA. Role: Role: Co- principal investigator.
- Analyzing the policy and governance environment for NCD control, and identifying potential policy options 2017-2019. In collaboration with University College London, UK Funded by Medical Research Council (MRC), UK. Role: Co-Principal Investigator.
- Surveys for Urban Equity: Getting, and Using, the Data to Respond to Non-Communicable Diseases in Urban Areas 2017-2019. In collaboration with Leeds University, UK. Funded by Medical Research Council (MRC), UK. Role: Co-Principal Investigator.
- Implementing tobacco use treatment guidelines in community health centers in Vietnam, 2013-2018. In collaboration with Institute for Social Medicine Studies, Vietnam and New York University, USA. Funded by NIH, USA. Role: Co- principal investigator.
- Regional Center of Research Excellence in Cancer and Other Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology and Prevention in Vietnam, 2016-2018. . In collaboration with National Cancer Hospital, Vietnam and Vanderbilt University, USA. Role: Co- principal investigator.
- Evaluation and Implementation of appropriate Breast Cancer Management in Vietnam. In collaboration with Queen’s University of Belfast, UK. Funded by Newton Fund of British Council, UK. Role: Co-Principal Investigator.
- Evaluation of integrated model for NCD and mental disorder prevention and management at commune health station and community in Haman province, 2015. Funded by World Health Organization. Role: Principal investigator.
- Assessing health, economic and social equity impacts of graphic health warnings label interventions in Vietnam 2014-2015. Funded by International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada. Role: Principal investigator.
- The Swedish Research Council, as a coordinator of 3-years projects on "Promoting local research competence, evidence and response strategies to health risks from climate change in Vietnam and Indonesia", Vietnam 2014 – 2016. Funded by The Swedish Research Council, Sweden. Role: Principal investigator.
- Public health preparedness and response to critical public health issues in Viet Nam and Sweden”, Vietnam 2011 – 2013. In collaboration with Umea University Sweden and funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation, Sweden. Role: Principal investigator.
- Promoting universal health care through improving health system research to support evidence based health policy-making in Vietnam, 2011-2013. Funded by Rockefeller Foundation and China Medical Board, USA. Role: Principal investigator.
Guest editors:
- Global Health Action, 2013: Public health in Vietnam: here’s the data, where’s the action? Guest Editors: Nguyen Duc Hinh, Hoang Van Minh, Lucia D’Ambruoso. Link: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/zgha20/5/s3?nav=tocList
- Global Health Action, 2014: Climate Change and Health in Vietnam. Guest Editors: Joacim Rocklo¨v, Umea° University, Sweden; Kim Bao Giang, Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam; Hoang Van Minh, Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam; Kristie Ebi, Umea° University, Sweden and University of Washington, USA; Maria Nilsson, Umea° University, Sweden; Klas-Go¨ran Sahlen, Umea° University, Sweden; Lars Weinehall, Umea° University, Sweden. Limk: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4265652/#top
- Global Public Health, 2014: Health system research in Vietnam: Generating policy-relevant knowledge. Guest Editors: Hoang Van Minh, Le Minh Giang, Cheryl Cashin and Nguyen Duc Hinh. Link: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rgph20/10/sup1?nav=tocList
- Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2016: Tobacco Prevention and Control in Vietnam: Achievements and Challenges. Guest Editors: Hoang Van Minh, Hanoi School of Public Health, Kim Bao Giang, Hanoi Medical University, Luong Ngoc Khue, Ministry of Health, Hanoi, Vietnam. Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27087176
- Global Health Action, 2016: Millennium Development Goals in Vietnam: the Progress and Social Determinants 2016. Guest Editors: Hoang Van Minh, Juhwan Oh, Luu Ngoc Hoat, Jong-koo Lee. Link: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/zgha20/current#s001
- AIMS Public Health, 2017: Scientific evidence for better health and health care in Vietnam. Guest Editors: Hoang Van Minh, Assoc. Professor, MD, PhD, Vice-Dean, Hanoi School of Public Health, Hanoi, Vietnam, Bui Thi Thu Ha, Assoc. Professor, MD, PhD, Dean, Hanoi School of Public Health, Hanoi, Vietnam. Link: http://www.aimspress.com/newsinfo/527.html
- International Journal of Public Health, 2017: Health and Social Determinants of Health in Vietnam: Local Evidence and International Implications: Guest Editor: Hoang Van Minh, Editor: Hung Nguyen-Viet. Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00038-016-0932-7
- Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2017: Health and Healthcare Transitions in Vietnam: Evidence from the Chililab Health and Demographic Surveillance System (CHILILAB HDSS): Guest Editors: Hoang Van Minh, Hanoi University of Public Health, Hanoi, Vietnam, Do Van Dung, Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Nguyen Viet Hung, International Livestock Research Institute & Hanoi University of Public Health, Hanoi, Vietnam, Osman Sankoh, INDEPTH Network, Accra, Ghana. Link: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1010539517720550
- Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 2018: Public Health in Transitional Vietnam: Achievements and Challenges. Guest Editors: Hoang Van Minh, MD, PhD, Philip Nasca, PhD. Link: https://journals.lww.com/jphmp/toc/2018/03001
- Health Care for Women International, 2018: Women's health and health care in Vietnam. Guest Editors: Hoang Van Minh, Nguyen Canh Chuong. Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uhcw20/39/4
Scientific papers published in national journals:
Published more than 70 articles in national journals